How to Live better: (Beyond medicine)

Many of us live a worrying and anxious life. It’s important that we live for the present and not for the past and future…

There are several key things to live better: While there are many tricks , the given below 3 things are very important for self-healing;

  • Good quality of sleep- It’s the quality of sleep which matters and not the quantity. Pl visit my blogs about good sleep at
  • Emotional health – 90% of disease starts from the mind and not brain.Pl note mind is outside the body and its consciousness which science does not have mechanism to measure. Science is measurement.Can love be measured? Does that mean love does not exist?Everyone has stress and it’s left to ourselves how to take stress. Having attachment to stress is what causes disease..Hence control over mind is important.. Meditation and faith become important for us to stay grounded.It’s not super foods which helps us lead a better life.
  • Self-Discipline- People struggle to loose weight. It’s difficult to instill self discipline.Working out for 5 days and binge drinking during week end does not yield the desired result. Eating a samosa and losing 500 calories with exercise does not work.Body does not work on principle of Maths, Its works on Physiology, Chemistry and Biology.Let’s not overeat, eat with moderation. Vedic scriptures indicate that it’s enough to take food with a gap of 12 hours a day – for the food to digest properly.Let’s not take food with guilt. Food should be taken only to fuel the body – not to fulfil your palate.

Why is self-discipline difficult? We also have egos and pride.We think on why we should do this? Why should I pick up the remote? We have wealth and power. We will buzz the servant maid to pick this for me. We think we earn this because we have wealth and power.

Self-discipline does not matter whether we are a King or a Sheikh or owner of a company. Self-discipline means we will do this everyday until we make this a habit like brushing our teeth.

These are the 3 tips and recommendations for faster healing and better living.

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